Support Delft Events
Professional Conference Organizer (PCO)
Support Delft Events
Support Delft Events organizes scientific and technological events, conferences, and other meetings in which the exchange of knowledge and networking take central stage. Support Delft Events first principle is 'from the beginning’. That is what Support Delft Events does—we organize from the beginning and from the ground up.
We take work off your hands Organizing a scientific event takes months, sometimes years, of preparation. This is exciting but also very time-consuming work for our clients. Support Delft Events aim is to relieve you and all those involved of as much of the burden of conference preparation as possible, such that your regular work activities proceed unimpeded.
Professional conference organizer Support Delft Events is a PCO, a professional conference organizer. We specialize in organizing both small and large scientific and technological conferences, events, and meetings.
Lucienne Dado, your direct point of contact. I have over 15 years of experience in organizing scientific events. Over the years, these events have brought me many referrals from satisfied clients. I am equipped with the knowledge and skills required to make your conference, exhibition, networking day, or symposium truly successful.
Experience With my long experience in organizing scientific conferences within an academic environment, I know all ins and outs and can smooth the way for you. I know my way around the university and in business and have assembled all the necessary ancillary networks. With my scientific background, I understand what the subject matter and lectures are all about. This knowledge helps me create the kind of event that can to live up to your expectations.
Responsibility Organizing a scientific event is a big responsibility. I take this responsibility very seriously, and consequently the complete organizational trajectory gets my full attention. In truth, your event is my event.
Support Delft Events can organizes and manages from start to finish—and from the ground up. This means that you can come to me with the mere spark of an idea for a conference. Together, we can then develop your idea into a full-scale event that suits your needs and that both you and your colleagues can be happy with.
Our mission is to organize your event together with you. Your views and input are of the utmost importance to us. As we collaborate closely with you in planning your event, we will also take as much work off your hands as you want. This can for example only be to handle the registrations, or being the first point of contact for the venue/ caterers/ exhibitors or all the different steps as mentioned from one to six. Our ultimate goal is to realize your objectives, our first point of departure is to work together in getting you there.
The organization of a scientific event/ congress is characterized by 6 clear steps.
1 Conceptualization—objectives, target audience, and vision
We organize every event from the ground up. We begin with the concept stage in which we clarify the objectives, target audience, and vision. This concept forms the blueprint for all of my work leading up to the event.
Objectives: The concrete goals you wish to achieve with the event.
Target audience: The particular visitors or visitor groups you need to make the event a success.
Vision: What you the client personally deem most important in organizing the event.
This step can also mean to write together a bid book 'the bidding procedure':
A bid book is a written proposal that presents the University as the host for the upcoming congress. The international association typically determines what should be included in the bid book.
It usually includes the following and I can help you to get this together:
invitation to the board and members of the international association;
venue suggestions and suggestions for the social programme;
reasons why the proposed city and venue were chosen;
the draft programme;
the draft budget;
accessibility of the Netherlands, the proposed city and the venue;
reasons why the congress should take place in the Netherlands;
suggestions for activities, such as cultural activities, outside the congress;
letters of recommendation from government and affiliated institutions/companies.
2 Budget, risk analysis, and subsidies
The costs and risks involved in organizing an event need to be clearly defined. A well thought-out budget is essential and deserves full attention throughout the entire organizational process. A thorough risk analysis is always part of the budget at Support Delft Events. This twofold mechanism affords a clear overview of all potential risks that can affect the event. We also develop a list of measures that can be taken to control these risks. Sponsorships, subsidies, and grants can help reduce the costs of an event. We can provide you with detailed advice on the existing possibilities for locating additional funds.
3 Production
In general the practical aspects of organising a scientific event/ congress and weather you might need a PCO depends on the the available manpower and time in your local team, the expertise you have in the house, the size of the congress and the available budget.
The practical key tasks in the production stage include:
Set-up: venue selection, programme and timetable development;
Marketing and promotion of the congress: congress website, invitations, press contacts, advertisements;
Logistics: participant registration, hotel reservations, transport, catering, audio-visual support;
Content support: abstract management, communication with speakers, exhibitors, sponsors;
Organisation of social programme: dinners, receptions and excursions (to be the point of contact).
4 The event (D-Day)
Because of the detailed preparation throughout the production stage, you’ll know exactly what to expect during your event. It’s now all about operations. We are there on the ground at all times to provide oversight and intervention when necessary. That way, as host of the event, you can spend all your time and energy on your guests. Throughout the event we make sure that you are able to devote yourself entirely to your main task of hosting the event. Support Delft Events functions as the event’s hands-on coordinator and is always present on the ground at the venue.
5 Post-event wrap-up
Producing an effective post-event wrap-up for sponsors, speakers, exhibitors, and participants is a powerful public relations tool. Follow-up communications that create a buzz (for example, via social media) ensure that everyone remembers the event in a positive light and looks forward to a possible next edition with enthusiasm. During this stage we also do a final financial accounting of the actual costs of the event in relation to the original budget.
6 Evaluation
At the end of each event we can do a full evaluation. We check to see that all goals have been achieved and that the event has lived up to your expectations. Such an evaluation is important both for us and for you as it helps us to make each subsequent event that much better.
on-going events:
March 30th - April 3rd, 2025 ACM ASPLOS 2025 and ACM EuroSys 2025
Last year events:
July 15-19, 2024 Robotics: Science and Systems in Delft
September 17-20,2024 Magnonsonanisland2024
November 14-16,2024 EQAF Utwente
Other previous events:
September 25-29,2023 ESORICS2023
June 06-09,2023 FNS2023
To be announcedTo be announced